This example shows how to build a social network on a Loom DAppChain, using Web3 and Loom.js. In this simple social network, users can post and comment on posts. The source is available on Github.

We used Solidity version 0.4.24 to compile this smart contract.


1.) Run your own DappChain

First, please ensure you've installed Golang as documented in the prerequisites.

Let's start by cloning the solidity-social-example repo:

git clone
cd solidity-social-example

Next, we need to download the loom binary:

cd dappchain
curl | sh
chmod +x loom

and configure it:

./loom init
cp genesis.example.json genesis.json

To start loom, type:

./loom run

2.) Start ElasticSearch and Redis

Note that both services are required in order to run and interact with the application

If you are using macOS, run the following commands to install elasticsearch and redis:

brew tap homebrew/services
brew install elasticsearch
brew install redis

Start the services with

brew services start elasticsearch
brew services start redis

3.) Start indexer

The indexer is a service that will receive all events from the smart contract and feed a cache layer built on a message queue and a fast database (Redis + ElasticSearch). The data accumulated by this service is served at http://localhost:8081/posts and http://localhost:8081/comments

For the best performance, we recommend you use Node8:

brew install node@8

In a new terminal, run the following:

cd solidity-social-example/webclient
node indexer.js

4.) Start the web server

The webserver will serve the content which allows users to interact with the smart contracts on the Loom DappChain.

First, fire up a third terminal, cd into the webclient directory, and install dependencies:

cd solidity-social-example/webclient

Finally, let's start the front-end:

yarn start

5.) Interacting with the application

Open http://localhost:8080 in your web browser of choice.