
Loom instruments metrics and exposes the values of the metrics to external monitoring services. Middleware layer is introduced to enable separation of concern between application services and instrumenting. Loom SDK utilizes go-kit's metrics package to instrument metrics.

Loom SDK Metrics

Loom captures and exposes 4 different types of metrics:

  • Counter a single numerical value that goes up only
  • Gauge a single numerical value that goes up and down
  • Histogram a sample of observation grouped into buckets over a sliding time window
  • Summary a sample of observation grouped into buckets with quantiles over a sliding time window

The following Go code shows an example of how Loom creates metrics with go-kit. The Namespace is prefixed with loomchain. The Subsystem can be either *query_service or backend_service.

For example, the requestCounter metric key is referred as loomchain_query_service_request_count and the requestLatency metric key is loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds. All the keys are unique.

fieldKeys := []string{"method", "error"}
requestCount := kitprometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
    Namespace: "loomchain",
    Subsystem: "query_service",
    Name:      "request_count",
    Help:      "Number of requests received.",
}, fieldKeys)
requestLatency := kitprometheus.NewSummaryFrom(stdprometheus.SummaryOpts{
    Namespace: "loomchain",
    Subsystem: "query_service",
    Name:      "request_latency_microseconds",
    Help:      "Total duration of requests in microseconds.",
}, fieldKeys)

Loom also provides the two different field names for each metrics to create a variety of metric values. The first one is method which is the name of the method call. The second one is error which will be true if the method call returns an error.

The followings are the example of the exposed metrics with different fields.


Metric Endpoint

When running a smart contract using loom run command, the default metrics endpoint is The endpoint is configurable using the configuration key RPCBindAddress in the configuration file.

You can poll the metrics from the endpoint using HTTP clients or web browsers. The server running on will show the request count and latency metrics as followed.


# HELP loomchain_query_service_request_count Number of requests received.
# TYPE loomchain_query_service_request_count counter
loomchain_query_service_request_count{error="false",method="Nonce"} 2
loomchain_query_service_request_count{error="true",method="Query"} 2
# HELP loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds Total duration of requests in microseconds.
# TYPE loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds summary
loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds{error="false",method="Nonce",quantile="0.5"} 1.0352e-05
loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds{error="false",method="Nonce",quantile="0.9"} 2.4728e-05
loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds{error="false",method="Nonce",quantile="0.99"} 2.4728e-05
loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds_sum{error="false",method="Nonce"} 3.508e-05
loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds_count{error="false",method="Nonce"} 2
loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds{error="true",method="Query",quantile="0.5"} 1.5574e-05
loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds{error="true",method="Query",quantile="0.9"} 1.7501e-05
loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds{error="true",method="Query",quantile="0.99"} 1.7501e-05
loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds_sum{error="true",method="Query"} 3.3075000000000004e-05
loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds_count{error="true",method="Query"} 2

Monitoring Metrics

Loom does not store the metrics but only exposes the metric values at the moment. To get metrics, you can either poll the metrics from the endpoint to your monitoring system or you can use Prometheus.

You can also visualize the metrics using tools like Grafana or Kibana.


To configure the Prometheus server, add the following to your config file:

  - job_name: "loomchain"
    metrics_path: "/metrics"
    scrape_interval: "2s"
    - targets:
      - # The IP address to the query server host

List of All Metrics

The following are the list of metrics exposed by Loom SDK:

Metrics Type Description
loomchain_query_service_request_count Counter Number of query requests received
loomchain_query_service_request_latency_microseconds Summary Total duration of query requests in microseconds