Truffle DappChain Example
This simple example shows how you can use Truffle
and the Loom Truffle Provider to build a simple Web UI that interacts with the Basechain.
Make sure the following requirements are met and then follow the steps in the next section:
Node >= 8
yarn or npm
First, let's clone this repository. Open a terminal, cd
into the directory where you store your projects, and run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/loomnetwork/truffle-dappchain-example
Next, cd
into truffle-dappchain-example
cd truffle-dappchain-example
and run:
yarn install
Run against Extdev Testnet
Generate the Loom private key
The following command will download the loom
binary and generate the private key for you:
yarn gen:extdev-key
The Loom private key will be saved into a file called
Deploy to Extdev Testnet
As an example, we will deploy and run our application against Extdev.
Run the following command:
yarn deploy:extdev
The above command will compile and then deploy our smart contract to Extdev
Run this command below to send transactions to the smart contract deployed to Extdev:
yarn test:extdev
If everything looks good, let's spin up a web server and interact with our smart contract.
Start the web interface
The web interface is built with React and Webpack. Open a new terminal and run the following command:
yarn serve:extdev
The web interface is available on http://localhost:8080.
Run against local Loom chain
First, you have to generate a private key using:
yarn gen:extdev-key
Spin up Loom Chain
In a new terminal, run:
yarn loom-init
Deploy the smart contract
To deploy, run the following command:
yarn deploy
You will see something like this:
Starting migrations...
> Network name: 'loom_dapp_chain'
> Network id: 13654820909954
> Block gas limit: 0
Copy the Network id
paste it into a text file. We'll use it later.
yarn test
Web interface
Open the src/contract.js
file in your text editor of choice and go to line 87.
Now, say your Network id
is 13654820909954
. Replace
return Promise.resolve('default')
return Promise.resolve('13654820909954')
We're ready to start the web server. In a new terminal, run:
yarn serve
Useful information
In order to correctly redeploy the contracts, there's a command
yarn deploy:reset
.Also is possible to call truffle command directly with
yarn truffle
.We're not versioning the build directory for this particular example, although is recommended to versioning, the limitation can be removed by editing the
Current limitations
- Events declared on smart contracts should have an named parameter like
NewValueSet(uint _value)
in the contractSimpleStore.sol
. Also, it helps in dealing with events.
Loom Network
BSD 3-Clause License