
The loom-js library comes with the LoomProvider which makes it possible to connect with Web3.js as a provider. This way, Ethereum developers can deploy, send transactions to smart contracts, and listen for smart contracts events running on Loom DAppChains. Also, it is possible to use Truffle Framework to manage tests, deployments and solidity smart contracts. For further details check out EVM page.


As the official documentation for Web3.js states:

Web3.js is a collection of libraries which allow you to interact with a local or remote ethereum node, using an HTTP or IPC connection.

For the Loom DAppChains, the communication happens using WebSockets instead HTTP or IPC. However, in-depth knowledge isn't required since Web3.js abstracts that part.


A Provider is a bridge that connects the Web3.js API to an Ethereum node. So, in order to make Web3.js calls compatible with Loom DAppChain, you should use the LoomProvider

Combining Web3.js and LoomProvider is a good option to interact with smart contracts deployed on Loom DAppChain because Web3.js abstracts the construction of API calls.

Deploying with Truffle

Download and Install

First, you'll need to install Truffle:

# Currently supported version
npm install -g truffle

Once Truffle is installed, let's create a directory and initialize a project:

# Create directory and access
mkdir simple-store
cd simple-store

# Initialize a project from zero with truffle
truffle init

The new directory structure will look like this:

├── contracts
│   └── Migrations.sol
├── migrations
│   └── 1_initial_migration.js
├── test
├── truffle-config.js
└── truffle.js

Adding contract and migration

In the contracts directory, we're going to add the famous SimpleStore.sol, a smart contract which has:

  • a set function that takes a parameter called _value and changes the state by saving it to the blockchain. Then, it fires an event called NewValueSet.
  • a get function that lets you read the value variable.
pragma solidity ^0.4.22;

contract SimpleStore {
  uint value;

  event NewValueSet(uint _value);

  function set(uint _value) public {
    value = _value;
    emit NewValueSet(value);

  function get() public view returns (uint) {
    return value;

Next, let's add a migration, Truffle works with the concept of migrations, which makes it useful to track changes and updates. In the migrations directory, create a new file called 2_simple_store.js and paste the following content into it:

var SimpleStore = artifacts.require("./SimpleStore.sol");

module.exports = function(deployer) {

We've already built a complete example of how to integrate with Truffle. You can check it out here.

Download and configure Loom Truffle Provider

The last cog to be added is the Loom Truffle Provider. This plugin basically connects Truffle with the Loom DAppChain. Let's install it by running:

npm install loom-truffle-provider --save
yarn add loom-truffle-provider

Now, let's edit the file truffle.js to add the necessary configuration:

const { readFileSync } = require('fs')
const LoomTruffleProvider = require('loom-truffle-provider')

const chainId    = 'default'
const writeUrl   = ''
const readUrl    = ''
const privateKey = readFileSync('./private_key', 'utf-8')

const loomTruffleProvider = new LoomTruffleProvider(chainId, writeUrl, readUrl, privateKey)

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    loom_dapp_chain: {
      provider: loomTruffleProvider,
      network_id: '*'

Don't forget to generate your keys by running loom genkey -a public_key -k private_key.

Running Truffle deploy command

Now we're ready to deploy our smart contract:

truffle deploy --network loom_dapp_chain

We're assuming loom is already running on your computer. If not, follow this tutorial.

If you already deployed and want to reset the deployment, you can run the command truffle deploy --reset --network loom_dapp_chain

Adding more accounts

In order to access the accounts with LoomTruffleProvider, you should do something like this:

const loomTruffleProvider = new LoomTruffleProvider(chainId, writeUrl, readUrl, privateKey)
const loomProvider = loomTruffleProvider.getProviderEngine()

console.log("Accounts list", loomProvider.accountsAddrList)
console.log("Accounts and Private Keys", loomProvider.accounts)

To add more accouns, just call createExtraAccounts:

const loomTruffleProvider = new LoomTruffleProvider(chainId, writeUrl, readUrl, privateKey)

Configuring and running Web3.js + LoomProvider

Download and Install

Install Web3.jslatest version using npm:

npm install web3 --save
# or
yarn add web3

Install loom-js which includes LoomProvider:

npm install loom-js --save
# or
yarn add loom-js

Adding to project and configuring

To add Web3.js to a Node.js project is fairly simple:

// Node.JS 8 or greater
const Web3 = require('web3')

// Webpack with ES2016 support
import Web3 from 'web3'

If you're using webpack, the process should be similar.

The next step is to configure the LoomProvider:

const privateKey = CryptoUtils.generatePrivateKey()
const publicKey = CryptoUtils.publicKeyFromPrivateKey(privateKey)

// Create the client
const client = new Client(

// The address for the caller of the function
const from = LocalAddress.fromPublicKey(publicKey).toString()

// Instantiate web3 client using LoomProvider
const web3 = new Web3(new LoomProvider(client, privateKey))

const ABI = [{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"name":"_value","type":"uint256"}],"name":"NewValueSet","type":"event"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_value","type":"uint256"}],"name":"set","outputs":[],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"get","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"uint256"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"}]

const contractAddress = '0x...'

// Instantiate the contract and let it ready to be used
const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(ABI, contractAddress, {from})

Running Web3 contract instance

Now, we can call set and get functions like this:

// Set the value 47
const tx = await contract.methods.set(47).send()

// Get the value 47
const value = await contract.methods.get().call()

Also, we can listen to events::

contract.events.NewValueSet({}, (err, event) => {
  if (err) {
    return console.error(err)

  console.log('New value set', event.returnValues._value)