
If you have previous experience deploying contracts using Hardhat then you'll find deploying to Loom Network’s zkLoom Sepolia Testnet quite straightforward.

The zkLoom Sepolia Testnet is a zkRollup that operates a bit differently from an Ethereum Testnet, but thanks to a few Hardhat plugins built by zkSync, building, testing, and deploying smart contracts to the zkLoom Sepolia Testnet should be as easy as working with an Ethereum-like Testnet.

In this particular example we'll show you how to compile and deploy a simple Solidity smart contract to the zkLoom Sepolia Testnet.


Make sure the following requirements are met before proceeding to the next section.

  • NodeJS v18.20.0, we recommend using nvm to make it easier to switch between NodeJS versions.
  • yarn v1.22.19, if you don't have it installed already the easiest way to do so is probably via npm i -g yarn, then just run yarn set version 1.22.19

Newer versions of NodeJS and Yarn may also work.

Install project dependencies

First, clone the zkLoom examples repository using your favorite Git client.

Once you've cloned the repository open the checkout directory in a terminal, and run the following commands:

cd 01-testnet-deploy
yarn install

Compile the Solidity contract

We'll be deploying the SimpleStore.sol contract that you can find in the contracts directory.

yarn hardhat compile

The first time you compile the contract you should see output similar to this:

zksolc version 1.4.0 successfully downloaded
Compiling 1 Solidity file
--> contracts/SimpleStore.sol

Successfully compiled 1 Solidity file

You'll notice that the artifacts-zk and cache-zk directories have been created during the compilation step, they'll be used again during deployment.

Set the private key for deployment

Before you can deploy the Solidity contract you just compiled you'll need to generate a private key. You'll need a standard hex encoded ECDSA key, same kind of key you'd use for signing any Ethereum transactions. If you have Metamask you can use it to create a new account and export the private key.

Copy the .env.default file to .env and set the WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY to the hex-encoded ECDSA private key of the wallet you want to use to deploy the contract.

NOTE: The deployer wallet will need to have some ETH on zkLoom Sepolia.

Fund the deployer account

The account associated with the private key you use for the contract deployment needs to have some testnet ETH to pay for the deployment transaction.

You can get testnet ETH by popping into the Loom Network - Developer Chat on Telegram and asking for some, just mention your account address and we'll send some your way ASAP.

Soon we'll launch a bridge that will allow you to deposit ETH from Sepolia to the zkLoom Sepolia Testnet.

Deploy the contract to zkLoom Sepolia Testnet

Contracts can be deployed to the zkLoom Sepolia Testnet using the hardhat deploy-zksync command:

yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script deploy-simple-store.ts

If all goes well you should see output similar to this:

Deploying SimpleStore using account 0xe706e60ab5Dc512C36A4646D719b889F398cbBcB
Contract deployment fee estimate: 0.00012952175 ETH
SimpleStore was deployed at 0xfb6c71bDFaddC830443b0c5157782Cae4E6a426f

And that's a wrap! Now that you understand how to deploy a Solidity contract to the zkLoom Sepolia Testnet the next step is to interact with it. We'll cover that in the next example... coming soon!