To get started with Solidity + Truffle

See our tutorial on Truffle and Solidity

To get started with Golang Contracts

See our Golang Contracts

To get started with universal transaction signing

Basechain has the ability to verify and accept transactions signed by native Ethereum wallets. In a nutshell, users can simply use their MetaMask account or any other native Ethereum wallet — further blending the line between Layer 1 and Layer 2.

In the next sections, we'll briefly walk you through the setup required to enable universal transaction signing in your app.

Connecting to Basechain

The first thing we want to do is to instantiate a new Client:

this.client = new Client(

Once the client gets instantiated, we must force personal sign by pretending to be MetaMask no matter what the web3 provider actually is:

let provider = this.web3js.currentProvider
provider.isMetaMask = true
const ethersProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(provider)

Next, let's call the createDefaultTxMiddleware function as follows:

this.client.txMiddleware = createDefaultTxMiddleware(this.client, privateKey)

This allows us to create the default set of tx middleware required to successfully commit transactions to Loom.

Configuring LoomProvider

Now, we want to instantiate and configure LoomProvider:

this.loomProvider = new LoomProvider(this.client, privateKey)
this.loomProvider.callerChainId = this.callerChainId
this.loomProvider.setMiddlewaresForAddress(to.local.toString(), [
  new NonceTxMiddleware(
    new Address(this.callerChainId, LocalAddress.fromHexString(this.ethAddress)),
  new SignedEthTxMiddleware(signer)

Note that we're using the SignedEthTxMiddleware which lets us sign transactions via an Ethereum compatible wallet like Metamask.

Instantianting the contract

For the scope of this example, we are using the SimpleStore smart contract. Instantiating it is as simple as:

const web3 = new Web3(this.loomProvider)
this.contract = new web3.eth.Contract(SimpleStoreJSON.abi, SimpleStoreJSON.networks[this.networkId].address)

Universal transaction signing in action

Now, to execute the set method of our smart contract, we can do something like this:

await this.contract.methods
    from: this.ethAddress

If everything works well you should see a Metamask popup asking you to confirm the transaction:

Eth Signing

Note that you just signed transactions on Loom without even accessing your eth wallet keys😉.

Demo Project

We've built a small demo project to showcase this functionality. The source code is available here.

Other Wallets

If you use Portis or Fortmatic, head over to this page.