这篇文档帮助开发人员了解如何加入Basechain测试网进行部署。 如果你要找如何运行节点的信息,或者如何成为验证者,请查看验证者指南


 curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/loomnetwork/loom-sdk-documentation/master/scripts/get_loom.sh | sh


$ ./loom genkey -k priv_key -a pub_key


local address: 0x3B334bEd1e7d3e7d9214495120160D9236aCbC31
local address base64: OzNL7R59Pn2SFElRIBYNkjasvDE=

这将创建名为 priv_keypub_key 的文件, priv_key 文件里包含你将用来把合同部署到DApp链的私钥。

Deploy Truffle Example to a Loom Testnet

  1. Make sure you have node and yarn/npm installed

  2. Obtain the testnet URL from Loom Testnets page

  3. Get the source: bash git clone https://github.com/loomnetwork/truffle-dappchain-example cd truffle-dappchain-example # copy the private key generated earlier to the root directory of the example repo cp ../priv_key extdev_private_key

  4. If you wish to deploy the example contracts to extdev skip this step. Otherwise, add the network you wish to deploy to in truffle-config.js.

  5. Install node modules: bash yarn

  6. Run deploy: bash yarn deploy:extdev