
A template for a Loom DAppChain with a Unity client. Contains:

  • 模板 Blueprint Solidity 合约 实现基本的字符串到字符串映射。 完美的起点。
  • 预配置的 Truffle 项目,可自动将已编译合约的 ABI 和二进制文件提取到相应的文件夹中。
  • Pre-configured optimally setup Unity project with Blueprint contract test scene, and an already included Loom SDK.


├── DAppChain/
│   ├── build/ # Loom binary and app/blockchain state data will be stored here
│   │   ├── contracts/ # Compiled contracts .bin will go here
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── start-chain.sh # Starts the Loom DAppChain
│   ├── reset-and-start-chain.sh ## Resets app/blockchain state and starts the Loom DAppChain
│   ├── genesis.json # Change this file when changing/adding contracts
│   └── ...
├── TruffleProject/
│   └── ...
└── UnityClient/ # Unity client project
    ├── Assets/
    │   ├── Contracts/ # Contract ABIs will go here
    │   └── ...
    └── ...



npm install -g truffle


git clone https://github.com/loomnetwork/loom-unity-project-template.git

可以根据你的项目名称立即重命名 loom-unity-project-template 文件夹。

构建 Truffle 项目

# Build the Truffle project. This will extract the ABI files to the Unity client,
# and compiled contracts to the DAppChain/build/ directory

cd Truffle
truffle build


# Start the Loom DAppChain. Loom binary will be downloaded automatically

cd DAppChain


打开位于 UnityClient 文件夹中的Unity项目。打开 Blueprint/BlueprintTest 场景并运行/构建它。


  1. 对合约进行更改。
  2. truffle build 来构建 Truffle 项目。
  3. 使用 DAppChain/start-chain.sh 启动 Loom DAppChain。
  4. 对 Unity 客户端项目进行更改。